Project European experience of adaptation to climate change

Workshops “Smart Energy Efficiency Management at the Territorial Community Level: European Practical Aspects” and “Implementation of Grid Energy Saving Technologies at the Condominium Level: European Practical Aspects”

Within the framework of the project 101085491 – EEACCCES – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH “European Experience in Adapting to Climate Change: The Concept of Energy Security” under the Erasmus+ program (Jean Monnet), workshops “Smart Energy Efficiency Management at the Territorial Community Level: European Practical Aspects” and “Implementation of Grid Energy Saving Technologies at the Condominium Level: European Practical Aspects” were held at the Western Ukrainian National University.

The event was organized by the Educational and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of the Western Ukrainian National University.

The workshops were attended by students, teachers, representatives of local governments and energy companies.

Moderator of the event – Petro Putsenteylo, Professor of Business Analytics and Innovation Engineering, project implementer 101085491 – EEACCCES – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH “European Experience of Adaptation to Climate Change: The Concept of Energy Security” under the Erasmus + program (Jean Monnet).

The organization of the workshops was aimed at familiarizing participants with the benefits of digital transformation of the energy sector in the European Union, implementing a regional strategy for climate change adaptation in the energy sector, increasing the level of Smart Household Energy Efficiency Management, and developing digital skills in household energy efficiency management.

Vasyl Brych, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of ZUNU, familiarized the participants of the workshops with the peculiarities of green energy recovery in Ukraine, the impact of the war on the energy sector of Ukraine, and outlined the priority areas of transition to low-carbon energy development in the European Union based on Smart Management.

Professor of the Department of Business Analytics and Innovative Engineering of ZUNU Petro Putsenteylo analyzed the regulatory framework of the European Union on energy saving and decarbonization, European practices of implementing Grid technologies for energy saving.

During the workshops, the participants discussed promising areas and opportunities for implementing Smart energy efficiency management at the community level and Grid energy saving technologies at the level of condominiums based on European experience, exchanged experience in implementing energy efficient solutions, using European energy efficiency practices, and prospects for training energy audit specialists.

Participants of the workshops paid special attention to the implementation of energy saving measures in local communities during martial law and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Among the tasks is to take into account the European experience in making energy-efficient and climate-neutral decisions when reforming the energy sector through the introduction of Grid energy saving technologies.

Funded by the European Union. However, the expressed views and opinions belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the grantor can be held responsible for them.