CLIMAN, Erasmus+

Lecture “Impact of climate change on tourism” within the framework of the international summer school “Technological and Economic aspects of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy”

Recently, within the framework of the international summer school “Technological and Economic Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy”, an online lecture on “The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism” was held by Ulyana Tkach, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Business, Deputy Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Innovation, Environmental Management and Infrastructure of the Western Ukrainian National University.

The lecture is devoted to the topical issue of the impact of climate change on modern tourism. Ulyana Tkach discussed important aspects such as climate change, the impact on tourism trends, and the adaptation of the tourism industry to new realities. The lecture provided students and attendees with a better understanding of how climate change is shaping the modern tourism industry and what strategies can be used to preserve natural and cultural resources.

During the lecture, Ulyana Tkach addressed the following issues:

  • the main aspects of climate change affecting tourism;
  • Adapting the tourism industry to new climate conditions;
  • risks and opportunities for the tourism industry in the context of climate change;
  • the role of students and youth in preserving natural and cultural values through tourism;
  • practical advice on the impact of tourists on climate change.

The project is co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program.