The project aims to improve Ukraine's institutional capacity and realize its innovation potential by improving the quality and competitiveness of higher, vocational pre-university and vocational education and building Ukraine's innovation infrastructure.

  • Overall objective 1. Development of innovative networks and associative structures to improve the quality of the region's human potential.
  • Overall objective 2. Integration between educational institutions, research institutions, enterprises and authorities for the effective realization of the region's innovation potential.
  • Overall objective 3. Improving the innovation culture by promoting scientific, inventive and innovative activities, as well as creating an integrated education system that takes into account the necessary personnel support for innovation.

The essence of the project's activities is that in order to solve the problem of economic growth, the state should create conditions for the development of an innovative economy. The determining criteria for this will be intellectual resources and entrepreneurial initiative, which actually determine the human potential of innovative development of a particular territory.

Companies that have recently been established or are in the process of doing so are faced with the issue of finding and utilizing new sources of economic growth. In an innovative economy, the determining basis for their formation is the efficiency of human potential and the innovative environment surrounding them. When these two factors are combined, economic growth can be achieved through the creation and commercialization of new technologies and developments. This makes it imperative to develop the appropriate infrastructure to support innovative entrepreneurship in the country.

Therefore, in the course of the project implementation, it is proposed to create a new coordinating innovation structure/innovation hub, which, in the absence of an appropriate state level of innovation management in the regions, will take on the role of integrator and coordinator of innovation development on the basis of higher, professional pre-university and vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions in Ukraine. The main activities of the hub are:

  • Institutional development of the national system of innovation and innovation infrastructure in the regions of the country.
  • Improving the innovation culture by promoting scientific, inventive and innovative activities, as well as creating an integrated education system that takes into account the necessary personnel support for innovation.
  • Development of research and innovation cooperation between the public and non-governmental sectors of science, higher education and research institutions with the real economy through the involvement of industrialists/entrepreneurs in the introduction of new technologies and innovations.
  • Development of social partnership and social responsibility of all subjects of innovation activity in the regions in the context of ensuring the development of intellectual potential and accumulation of human capital through support and development of intellectual and creative potential

It should be noted that innovation hubs or knowledge centers are the "engine" of innovation development, as they ensure the development and coordination of innovation infrastructure, forming horizontal and vertical links between innovation actors.

The experience of developed countries shows that such innovation structures create favorable conditions for the effective operation and development of small innovative enterprises that implement original scientific and technical ideas by providing them with temporary use of production facilities, material and technical resources, information networks, research instruments and equipment, and consulting assistance on a wide range of scientific, technological, economic and legal issues.

However, this problem cannot be solved without quality education and effective training of innovators who are able not only to produce ideas that have both scientific and market novelty, but also to implement them in the realities of a modern competitive market economy. That is why the project "Innovation Hub as a Center for the Development and Transfer of Innovative Technologies " is aimed at activities in the field of scientific and educational support, development and transfer of innovations, relying on the realization of the creative, research and entrepreneurial potential of the human capital available in the region.

*The proposed thematic areas of the hub's activities are attached.

Center for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Technologies

Possible areas of activity:

  • Energy efficiency of enterprises .
  • Energy audit of buildings and structures.
  • Energoservice.
  • Renewable Energy.
  • Implementation of Smart Grid technologies in energy supply.
  • Energy expertise of energy efficiency programs for communities, institutions and enterprises. Energy audit of buildings, structures, and equipment of generation facilities.
  • Developing models for modernizing energy facilities and networks using alternative types of energy (biogas, solar and wind energy, heat pumps).
  • Development of projects to modernize community heat generation equipment.
  • Energy studies of raw materials for biogas production.

Energy-efficient pilot plant for building heating

1.Heat accumulator; 2. Solid fuel boiler; 3. Gas boiler; 4. 4. Hot water supply system; 5. Heating system; 6. Solar collector; 7. Wind generator; 8. Controller; 9. Heat pump; 10. The boiler is electric.

Typical connection diagram of the heat accumulator and the Vigo heat and water supply system.

Energy-efficient project for the building of the Innovative Institute of Innovation

Project objective: To create an efficient and climate-resilient pilot plant for space heating that uses renewable energy sources and reduces dependence on traditional energy sources. The plant will be based on a wind generator that will provide energy when the wind is available. The installation will also include a solar panel that will provide energy in the presence of sunlight, as well as a solid fuel boiler and a heat pump that will be used to provide additional heat in the building if needed. In the long term absence of natural energy sources, the previously produced energy is converted into heat and then stored in a heat accumulator.

Advantages of the installation: The installation has several advantages over traditional heating systems, including:

  • The use of renewable energy sources reduces dependence on traditional energy sources and helps to reduce emissions.
  • Efficient use of renewable energy sources provides significant savings on energy consumption.
  • The plant is resistant to climate change and provides reliable and constant access to energy. In addition, it can be installed in any region where there is sufficient wind and sunlight.
  • The plant will also be equipped with an automatic controller that will regulate the operation of each element of the heating system, ensuring maximum efficiency and energy saving.

It can also be used as an additional source of energy for automated cooling and heating systems. The plant can also be used to provide energy during power outages.

Advantages of the installation: The installation has several advantages over other heating and energy supply systems:

  • Reliability: The system has a long service life and does not require frequent maintenance.
  • Energy efficiency: The unit can provide energy-efficient heating of the premises, which reduces heating costs.
  • Environmental friendliness: The plant uses renewable energy sources and does not pollute the environment.
  • Autonomy: The unit can operate autonomously from the power grid and gas supply.
  • Flexibility: The installation can be adapted to any customer's needs and can be expanded as needed.

Conclusion: A space heating system based on the use of wind, solar energy and a solid fuel boiler and heat pump is a reliable and energy-efficient solution for providing heat in industry and households. It can be adapted to any customer's needs and provides reliable and constant access to energy. The total cost of the project may vary depending on the customer's needs, but it usually consists of various elements, such as the manufacture and installation of a vertical generator, solar collector, solar panel, solid fuel boiler, heat storage, heat pump, installation work, and additional materials.

To manufacture a plant, specialists with the appropriate skills and experience are required to ensure the quality and reliability of all plant components. Also, it is worth considering that setting up and debugging the installation may take some time and require additional efforts.

In addition, a potential investor can be presented with a detailed business plan that describes all the costs of manufacturing and installing the plant, the expected income from its operation, risks and opportunities for project development and expansion. It is also worth considering the possibility of obtaining state support and subsidies to support renewable energy.

In general, a space heating system based on a wind turbine, solar energy, and a solid fuel boiler is an effective and reliable solution for providing energy-efficient heating in any room. It can provide reliable and stable access to energy and help reduce heating and energy costs.

Center "Implementation of climate-neutral innovations in the agricultural sector"

Adaptation to climate change is a cross-cutting task in ensuring environmental safety and rational use of natural resources at all levels of socio-economic development.

It is critically important to strengthen the climate neutrality of natural resources management and enhance Ukraine's environmental security by introducing a system of climate-neutral innovations in agricultural natural resources management in the context of ensuring Ukraine's environmental and energy security

The solution to this issue involves measures to reduce anthropogenic pressure and protect the environment on the basis of a closed economic cycle.

Efficient use of marginal lands, production and transition to recycling of agro-resources is both a way to neutralize the negative impact on the climate (growing photosynthetic plants) and an alternative source of energy (fuel).

Therefore, in order to ensure environmental and energy national security on the basis of climate-neutral development, adaptive optimization of the management of natural agricultural (bio-) resources is necessary.

The Center's activities are aimed at implementing the European Green Deal in the agricultural sector and rural communities of Ukraine.

The Center's goal is to promote climate adaptation of the agricultural sector of the economy through the involvement of agricultural production to address the challenges of transition to a carbon-neutral future. The introduction of climate-neutral innovations to ensure the principles of a closed-loop economy in agricultural environmental management is quite relevant. In particular, the development and implementation of low-carbon agricultural production technologies, cultivation of energy renewable plant resources, which are specifically used not only as more intensive consumers of carbon dioxide and oxygen producers, but also for the production of carbon-neutral materials, raw materials for bioplastics and biofuels. Implementation of an innovative approach to climate adaptation planning in the agricultural sector of the economy: To ensure the food, environmental and energy security of the state on the basis of climate-neutral development, adaptive optimization of the management of natural agricultural resources is necessary. First of all, agro-resources can become a much more efficient consumer of carbon dioxide and producer of oxygen than forests, thereby neutralizing the negative impact of other economic factors on the climate. Secondly, the transition to recycling of agro-resources is both a way to optimize environmental management and an alternative source of energy. In this context, agricultural feedstocks are a type of biomass needed to produce biofuels, green electricity, and organic fertilizers.

The project will result in the introduction of the European experience of innovative climate-neutral technologies in the agricultural sector. This will not only ensure the transition to low-carbon agricultural production, but also offer an applied development of a climate-neutral model of regional management of plant bioresources (agricultural raw materials) based on a closed cycle of interaction between agricultural enterprises and producers of green energy and organic fertilizers.

The project implementers will develop a regional Strategy for the Transition to Low-Carbon Agricultural Production and an operational plan for its implementation, which will summarize ideas and working hypotheses related to improving the management system of enterprises producing agricultural raw materials, biofuels, and green energy on the basis of strengthening environmental and climate security.

Based on the results of the project, appropriate changes will be proposed in the economic activities of agricultural bioresources and green energy producers.

The development and implementation of a national roadmap for the implementation of the European Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change will be aimed at ensuring the principles of a closed economic cycle and rational agricultural environmental management with a corresponding compensatory effect of the negative impact on climate change. It also minimizes threats to: agriculture - primarily by reducing agricultural productivity; biodiversity conservation - in particular, the loss of ecosystem resilience; and public health - by improving the quality of life.

In view of this, it is valuable to conduct training, consulting and educational activities among representatives of agricultural enterprises that are vulnerable to environmental changes, households, and local governments aimed at implementing innovative solutions for climate security in agricultural production. Of particular importance is the creation of a climate-friendly cluster for the development of regional partnerships between agricultural enterprises (organic and low-carbon farming), food industry, trade and catering. These issues will be addressed by the center's activities under the title "Implementation of Climate Neutral Innovations in the Agricultural Sector."

Inspection of buildings and structures, infrastructure facilities damaged as a result of emergencies, hostilities and terrorist acts with diagnosis and assessment of their technical condition

In the context of military operations and the subsequent post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, it is important to monitor the technical condition of buildings, structures and infrastructure facilities and the safety of their operation. It is proposed to create an innovative center for technical and engineering control and examination of buildings, structures and infrastructure facilities on the basis of the ZUNU Innovation Hub.

An engineering survey and assessment of the technical condition of buildings, structures and infrastructure facilities determines the reliability of the structures, the degree of structural deterioration and the possibility of using the facilities for their intended purpose in the future. The report on the technical inspection of the building indicates the identified structural deficiencies and ways to eliminate them.

A technical inspection of buildings and structures allows us to determine not only their current condition, but also the prospects for their further operation and the possibility of reconstruction or restoration. Such an expert assessment reveals existing defects and possible structural damage that could lead to an emergency, as well as the complete or partial destruction of facilities. Along with the inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures, the inspection of engineering networks and the areas surrounding the facility may be carried out.

It is proposed to use the following innovative methods, on the basis of which the technical inspection is carried out, which are divided into 2 groups: non-destructive; partially destroying the body of the structure.

Based on the research data, a building technical condition passport is filled out, which is required for any building.

The main methods used to inspect structures:

  • Visual. Our specialists, who are certified as experts in this field, use it at the initial stage to identify any visible deficiencies.
  • Ultrasonic. Invisible flaws in materials and structures are detected, and the thickness of metal structures is controlled. Thus, when inspecting buildings and structures, our specialists will be able to control the quality of welded joints.
  • Electromagnetic. This type of inspection is used to control parts that have been manufactured using conductive materials.
  • Geo-radar. It is used by our specialists to determine the structure, thickness and invisible flaws in the foundation. The Innovative Center for Technical and Engineering Control and Expertise, while conducting a technical inspection of the facility, will also be able to provide all the characteristics of the soil in the area where the facilities are located, including checking for the possibility of landslides.
  • Radiometric. Our specialists conduct this technical condition survey to determine the density of concrete, stone and bulk materials.
  • Neutron. It is used to determine the moisture content of building materials and control their porosity.
  • Tearing off with chipping. We use it when conducting technical inspections to determine how strong the concrete in a structure is.
  • Pneumatic. With its help, we will be able to determine the air permeability of the object of study.
  • Thermal imaging. Experts use it to determine the level of thermal protection when inspecting buildings and structures. Thus, we conduct a study of heating systems, which reveals areas where the wiring is overheating.
  • Leveling, photogrammetry, theodolite surveying. We will be able to inspect the building to identify its volumetric deformation, as well as possible foundation settlement.

After examining the condition of the facility, ZUNU specialists provide a report on the technical condition of the building. This document, which is the basis for the mandatory certification of a building, meets the requirements of state supervisory authorities. The report on the technical condition will be performed at a professional level, after which a passport of the facility will be drawn up.

The purpose of the ZUNU Innovation Center for Technical and Engineering Control and Expertise is to provide the customer with reliable data on the condition of the facility, identify possible deficiencies in buildings and structures, infrastructure facilities damaged as a result of emergencies, hostilities and terrorist acts, and provide recommendations for further safe operation of the research object.

Innovation Center for Food Safety and Quality of Food Technologies

It is proposed to create an innovation center for food security and quality of food technologies on the basis of the ZUNU Innovation Hub. Today, Ukraine faces a real problem of providing the population with quality and safe food. Lack of drinking water, air, soil, and water pollution, improper waste management, combined with the lack of prerequisites for improving the situation, pose a possible threat to the country's food security. In addition, Ukraine is actively implementing a new model of the European food safety and quality system. The basis of its operation is the "farm-to-table" principle, which ensures the safety and quality of all stages of food production, as well as the application of the international HACCP product quality system aimed at identifying hazards and controlling "critical points" in food production. Without the requirements of strict compliance by personnel with the procedures established by the above program and proper laboratory control, business entities will not be able to properly implement their policy in the market of services for the circulation of agricultural raw materials and food products. In addition to domestic production and consumption of food products, the country's huge export food potential is also important. The proper environmental factors in which the above production is carried out are also important in the safety system. What can be controlled with the help of a food quality laboratory. Given the current requirements, sustainable development of agriculture and the processing industry, the interest of business participants in conducting research, and the inadequate current state of development of the laboratory network in Ukraine, particularly in its western regions, we propose to create a food security center on the basis of the ZUNU Innovation Hub and open a laboratory for food technology and food quality. Along with conducting laboratory research and testing, the structure should cover several areas of activity related to food circulation, including student training and professional development.

Among them, one of the main ones is the preservation of short-term agricultural products not only in quantity but also in quality. After all, it is the preservation of all nutrients and biologically active substances, including vitamins, that guarantees us high quality raw materials.

It is proposed to develop and improve the technology of shock freezing. This method makes it possible to maximize the nutritional and nutritional value of the products. However, this method has significant drawbacks, one of which is the need to maintain a continuous cold chain from producer to consumer, which somewhat limits the use and sale of frozen products.

Another modern method of storing agricultural products is the technology of sublimation (lyophilization) of agricultural raw materials. It is proposed to test and implement sublimation technologies, which requires additional experimental research and improvement. It is important to determine the technological characteristics of the equipment and process modes (drying temperature, vacuum level), energy efficiency, compliance with sanitation and hygiene requirements, additional storage facilities, and transportation capabilities.

The laboratory will enable us to conduct research to improve the quality of the freeze-drying process, the quality of finished products, the energy efficiency of this process, and to expand the range of freeze-dried foods using raw materials from Ukrainian producers. Dehydrated agricultural products, using freeze-drying technology, almost completely retain their original food and nutritional value. The finished freeze-dried products have sales prospects, as they are actively used to feed military personnel, travelers, and tourists.

The active use of this laboratory will also improve cooperation with manufacturers and enable students to master the theoretical knowledge gained in the educational process by putting it into practice.

Social and environmental projects to monitor residual amounts of harmful substances in the air, water, soil, etc. could also become an important and relevant area. Competitive and indisputable advantages should include appropriate accreditation, qualified personnel, modern certified equipment, and recognized methods that will provide reliable results in terms of food safety and food quality. Confidentiality of information, affordable tariffs, and, if necessary, highly qualified advice and consultations on the organization of the production system of food quality will allow you to organize consulting activities on the basis of the center. This project will be of interest to local governments, business entities engaged in the primary production, processing and sale of food products, including agricultural enterprises, processing enterprises, agri-food markets, catering establishments, enterprises with harmful production factors, and end consumers of food products.